Unit 9.2: Communicating My Ideas
In this unit, students will gain a deeper understanding of the literary genres of personal narrative and memoir. They will read...
Unit 1. Test Review
Print , answer and Study!! #test #unit1 #review #TestReviewUnit1
Genre of Fiction Quiz
Access the Literary Genres Quiz , print the answer sheet.
Genre Worksheet
After reading the Genre Lesson PPT, go to DOCUMENTS and do the exercises. #Documents #worksheet #Genre #exercises #Friday2
Go to DOCUMENTS, find a Genre Lesson PPT and Read, read, read!! #Genre #Lesson #Read #text #Documents #Friday2
Labor Day Extra Credit
Watch the video and write a short summary of what you understood about Labor Day Holiday Celebration. 10 extra points for your Journal...
Welcome 9th graders!
Welcome to 9th grade!! My name is Mrs. Sierra, and I will be your new teacher. I am very excited about the upcoming year. We will be...
Teacher's Introduction
Welcome to Francisco Manrique Cabrera High School. My name is Mrs. Sierra, and I will be your new English teacher. The start of the new...
Unit 9.1 (1st Friday's Reposition Assignment)
Watch the animated presentation and write the steps of the Writing Process and a brief description of each one in your Journal Notebook. ...
Materials needed
Materials Needed Due Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Dictionary English/Spanish (every student needs a dictionary) Big notebook for...